freight train

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

a railway train transporting goods.


We grieve to learn that another collision occurred on the Great Western Railway, between a passenger train and a freight train, near Thamesville, on Friday last.
Rivers and York boats and trail-carts were being superceded by freight trains and passenger coaches.
Cargoes must now be unloaded at North Sydney, put aboard the ship and discharged at Port aux Basques to be reloaded on freight trains.
2 Hist.

a wagon train, as of Red River carts, or larger vehicles, transporting goods.


When the freight train from Edmonton had come, the Indians from the lake and those in charge of the carts spent the evening in the red man's favourite recreation, gambling.
The freight trains were imposing bodies of great wagons and boiling bulls. Eight yoke made a team, and four teams made a train, a foreman being in charge of each brigade and each train being supplied with cook and mess-wagon.